Summer registration begins April 2.
Fall registration begins April 24.
8 Week Classes Available.
How to Search and Register for Classes:
*You MUST log into The POD.
College and Career Pathways
ACC Career Pathways provide specific course sequencing aimed at simplifying the course selection process for certificate and/or degree completion. Degrees and certificates are offered in eight Career Pathways to help you reach your destination.
Career Pathways Degrees and Certificates
Registration Dates
- Spring - November 14 - January 7
- Late 16 Wk/8 Wk 1 Reg. ($50 Fee) - January 8 - 12
- Late 8 Wk 2 Registration ($50 Fee) - March 5 - 9
- Late Mini 3 Registration ($50 Fee) - May 7 - 11
- Summer - April 2 – May 20
- Late Summer 1 & 11 Week Reg. ($50 Fee) - May 21-26
- Late Summer 2 Registration ($50 Fee) - July 2 - July 6
These dates are subject to change without notice. See the ACC 2024-2025 academic calendar for additional dates.
Steps to Plan and Register for Courses in Student Planning
Getting Started
- Log into the POD by clicking the “POD” link from the top of the ACC homepage.
- On the right side of the screen, click Students > Planning and Registration > Student Planning
Course Planning
- Click “view your progress” to review courses completed, in progress, and not yet completed.
- Select the course you would like to take and click “add course to plan”.
- Select the semester you want the course planned for.
- Continue this process until all your courses have been planned.
- Review your planned courses by clicked “planned and schedule” and then “timeline”
- You may make changes to your plan by using the “drag and drop” feature as well as the add/delete function.
Course Registration
- Once courses have been fully planned, click “plan and schedule” and use the directional arrows to scroll to the desired semester at which you intend to enroll.
- Click “view other sections” to see all possible results. The calendar will populate with available sections in yellow. Choose your preferred section by clicking “add section”.
- Once all selections have been made, click “register now” in the top right, or register for courses individually.
- You may add or drop courses online up until the second class day of the semester.
- Print fee statement by clicking the home icon -> Student Finance -> Select Term -> View Fee Statement
Additional Help
- Green = Registered; Yellow = Planned; Red = Course full or conflicting with another course time.
Academic & Campus Event Calendar
NOTICE: The college does not assume responsibility for withdrawing students who register and decide not to attend. Be sure to drop all classes not wanted. Failure to withdraw may result in being charged for tuition and fees as well as receiving grades for those courses. Refunds for course withdrawals will be calculated according to the published refund schedule.